Песнь Rock And Roll Never ForgetsOST одноклассники С Днем Рождения!! от музыканта Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band - послушайте и не говорите, что не услышали песни с одноклассники ру

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Музыкант: Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band

Название песни: Rock And Roll Never Forgets(OST одноклассники) С Днем Рождения!!

Продолжительность песни: 03:51

Дата: 2015-12-05

Текст песни просмотрели: 1114

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Другие песни Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band
Весь текст:

So you`re a little bit older and a lot less
Than you used to be
So you used to shake `em down
But now you stop and think about your dignity
So now sweet sixteens turned thirty-one
You get to feelin` weary when the work days done
Well all you got to do is get up and into your
If you`re in a fix
Come back baby
Rock and roll never forgets
You better get yourself a partner
Go down to the concert or the local bar
Check the local newspapers
Chances are you won`t have to go too far
Yeah the rafters will be ringing cause the beat`s
so strong
The crowd will be swaying and singing along
And all you got to do is get in into the mix
If you need a fix
Come back baby
Rock and roll never forgets
Oh the bands still playing it loud and lean
Listen to the guitar player making it scream
All you got to do is just make that scene tonight
Heh tonight

Well now sweet sixteens turned thirty-one
Feel a little tired feeling under the gun
Well all Chuck`s children are out there playing
his licks
Get into your kicks
Come back baby
Rock `n Roll never forgets
Said you can come back baby
Rock `n Roll never forgets

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