Backseat Dare - Hotwife & Cuckold Escapades

Backseat Dare - Hotwife & Cuckold Escapades

The Backseat Dare is part of the Hotwife & Cuckold Escapades: A collection of dares and challenges for Hotwife & Cuckold couplesFor this dare, the Cuckold chauffeurs the Hotwife and Bull while they play in the backseat. This scenario could be done after the Bar Date Dare.If you like this video- please give it a thumbs up, subscribe, and re-share it!Enjoy!Vem and VC (Hotwife and Cuckold)Check out our other videos, including-The Hotwife and Cuckold Date Night Guide Hotwife & Cuckold Relationships Defined

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