Chest & Shoulder Bodybuilding Workout @hodgetwins

Chest & Shoulder Bodybuilding Workout @hodgetwins

Hodgetwins performing a bodybuilding chest and shoulder workout.Watch Other Recent VideosPopeyes Buttermilk Biscuit Challenge SUPPORT THE HODGETWINS BY SHOPPING AT: Hodgetwins INSTAGRAM Hodgetwins FACEBOOK Fan Page LINKS TO Hodgetwins Other Youtube Channels:Hodgetwins Main Fitness Channel Hodgetwins Current Events Channel Hodgetwins Relationship and Life Coaching Channel Hodgetwins Intermittent Fasting & Weight Loss Channel Hodgetwins Bio:Keith and Kevin Hodge the Hodgetwins are famously known for their comedic commentary on the following Youtube channels Hodgetwins, Twinmusleworkout, AskHodgetwins and fastingtwins. They have earned a respectable 2.8 million loyal subscribers and grossed over 450 million views over these channels.

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