Christian Weston Chandler Documentary

Christian Weston Chandler Documentary

Hello my name is Josh, or sachumo, spylobster whatever you prefer little cuz.For the past month now I have been working on a high school project about none other than Christian Weston Chandler. I had to ask my video production teacher to green light the project. I have no clue what he will do once he sees what I actually did. Anyways after around 400 hours of editing not including the writing and research I had to do my..... MAGNUM OPUS is finally done.Keep in mind a few things before watching this. I am not a professional. I don't condone trolling. This is a passion project and no shekkels (money) was taken from anyone to produce this. The CWC community made this Chris-Chan universe I am just here to try and do something inside of it. THIS IS NOT THE FINAL VERSION, EVEN IF EVERYONE LOVES IT I WILL CONTINUE TO WORK ON IT AND IMPROVE THE MOVIE.I would like to thank everyone for helping me get through these last few hectic weeks.Read more about chris and donate to his wikipedia at: Watch Christians videos at: GO TO THIS FORUM AND TALK ABOUT CHRIS: Thank you for your patience and support. And have a wonderful day.

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