Doctor Who Series 9: The Magician's Apprentice 'Previously' Trailer

Doctor Who Series 9: The Magician's Apprentice 'Previously' Trailer

"I need you to know we're not so different! I need my friend back..."- The Master, Death in HeavenPreviously on Doctor Who...The Doctor's may have saved Gallifrey but they also saved The Master. After escaping Gallifrey in it's new unknown location, the villainous Time Lord renegade The Master returned in a new form and ready to wreck havoc on The Doctor and all that he loves. All buried humans on Earth were converted into Cybermen in a ploy to give The Doctor the ultimate birthday present: an invincible army to conquer the universe with.Danny Pink, Clara Oswald's dead boyfriend turned Cyberman, gave his life to save the planet by taking the converted deceased into the sky and destroying the brewing Cyber-clouds. Danny is dead, the Earth is saved and The Doctor plans to kill The Master to stop Clara doing it herself and put an end to his old friend's tyranny. However before he can, an Cyber upgraded Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart shoots The Master seemingly killing her and fundamentally saving The Doctor's soul from further damage.As the Moriarty to The Doctor's Sherlock Holmes it is inevitable that The Master survived the ordeal. The Master rarely stays 'dead' for long...Well, given the recent announcement that The Master would be returning in the Series 9 opening two-parter (and since Series 9 is currently filming), I thought it would be apt to provide a recap of events so far for those who may have suffered a Noble fate and forgotten or might have fallen into a Crack in time during 2014 only to reappear in 2015. Who knows? It's a lottery. Anyway yes, March 26th is the 10th Anniversary of Doctor Who returning to our screen back in 2005 so you should expect more uploads from us later this month! Thank you all for watching and as always don't forget to like, subscribe and - oh...Say something nice.Dom :DCLIPS AND THEIR RESPECTIVE AUDIO ARE COPYRIGHT TO THE BBC. NO INFRINGEMENT INTENDED BY THE MANUFACTURE OR CONSEQUENT UPLOAD OF THIS VIDEO. ALL COPYRIGHTED CONTENT HAS BEEN USED UNDER TERMS OF FAIR USE AND OUT OF LOVE FOR THE TELEVISION SHOW.

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