Easy Mochi Rice Cakes - Recipe by The Squishy Monster

Easy Mochi Rice Cakes - Recipe by The Squishy Monster

Tender, soft and chewy Korean style rice cakes stuffed with chocolate truffles! Fast, easy, and delicious!✨Related Videos✨Cherry Cheesecake Mochi: Baked LA Rice Cakes: Green Tea Ice Cream Mochi: IngredientsFor the Mochi:1 cup of *sweet* rice flour: {Not regular rice flour}4 tb sugar1/2 tb sifted cocoa½ ts fine salt1 cup of cold coffeeDusting of wheat/corn starch/sweet rice flourFor the Chocolate Ganache:1/2 c bittersweet chocolate1/4 c heavy cream1/4 ts fine salt2 ts rum, bourbon, grand mariner, etc {optional}Full Recipe Here: ♡ Subscribe ♡ Google+ ♡ Facebook ♡ Twitter ♡ 250+ recipes Music by: Randy KleinLove,Your Squishy Monster ^.~

Теги: easy, mochi, rice, cakes, recipe, the
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