Falcon BMS 4.32 - Install to Combat Ready in 1 Hour (Tutorial)

Falcon BMS 4.32 - Install to Combat Ready in 1 Hour Tutorial

The install portion of this tutorial gets you up to BMS Update 5.Get BMS Update 6 from here: ­.php?29-Releases-amp-UpdatesThis is a VERY fast video tutorial that should teach you everything you need to know to get started with Falcon BMS 4.32. Different tutorial sections are time stamped below if you need to reference a particular section quickly.*NOTE - There are some errors in this tutorial that have been corrected with annotations, so make sure you have annotations enabled through Youtube.*Links: ­hp?14658-Falcon-BMS-4-32-Full-Installer-­%28Base-plus-U1-U5%29 *though not mentioned in the video, the Weapon Delivery Planner is another method for creating and saving your Data Cartridge that comes with more options.TUTORIAL SECTIONS:Install: 0:00Setup Options: 2:40Creating Your Pilot + Controls Setup: 4:01Start up: 8:08Data Cartridge: 17:00Takeoff + Upfront Controls: 19:50Landing: 28:38Radar: 30:30A-A Missiles: 34:40Dogfightin': 43:00Laser Guided Bombs: 46:48Anti-Radiation Missiles (HARMS): 50:10CCIP Bombs: 52:56 (Sorry for Letter Boxing this section by mistake)Mavericks + A-G Radar: 55:12Joining/Hosting Online Games: 58:37Starting Your First Campaign: 01:01:03Some final notes/tips:-"DMS Down" Will change which MFD is your SOI.-"SOI = Sensor of Interest" or which MFD your slew controls are current controlling.-The Targeting Pod is slaved to your Radar unless you press "TMS Up" to put the pod into "Area Mode"-Mavericks are also slaved to the Radar while in "Pre" mode. Place the Mavericks into -"Vis" (Visual) mode to have the seeker head look strait forward.-If you get low on fuel, climb! The F-16 is tremendously efficient at altitude.-If you can't talk to the Tower, you're probably not on tower frequency. Set this in the Data Cartridge before you fly.-You have Afterburners. If you ever get overwhelmed during combat and you lose track of whats going on, Turn around and Run. Get some distance then turn back in and regain your situational awareness.-Running the Campaign/Gameworld at an accelerated speed (including 64x) doesn't hurt anything.-If you ever accidentally over stress your aircraft and get an "FLCS Fault" on your master caution panel, there is a FLCS Reset switch on your back left panel that will clear the error and restore your aircraft's maneuverability. -Don't ever die with fuel left in your aircraft. Don't be afraid of wasting fuel/munitions to stay alive.Best of luck learning BMS! Good Luck, Have Fun, Don't Die.*I take no responsibility for any virtual lives/personnel/aircraft lost due to mis-information in this video.

Теги: falcon, bms, install, combat, ready, hour
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