Final Fantasy VIII - all cutscenes

Final Fantasy VIII - all cutscenes

Enjoy my compilation of all cutscenes from Final Fantasy VIII.All musictracks are from the original Final Fantasy VIII soundtrack:(Intro: fix music = "Liberi Fatali")overturestarting upwaltz for the moondead endblue skyfithos lusec wecos winosecthe extremethe stage is setpremonitionnever look backfind your way / Memoriaretaliationcompression of the timethe loserthe castle(Outro: fix music = "ending theme" / "eyes on me")-in this order-Many of you asked in your comments why I put music over the video clips and why I used music different from the original world music you heard when playing through the game. Here are the reasons:1) Most video clips had no audio at all and after a few minutes the whole video felt boring without melodies.2) The whole video felt uncomfortable and disturbing when I put world music over it and changed the music track with every clip. 3) Putting long music tracks over "many" video clips resulted in a positive feeling that different clips belong together. The effect was that connected video clips suddenly created a "golden thread" and a storyline.4) Achieving this goal forced me to use different songs than in the original game from time to time. Believe me: I tried to use the original songs whenever I could but sometimes it just didn't fit with the following scenes and keeping them would have resulted in keeping uncomfortable crossovers during the whole video.

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