Full Body Female Sugaring: Brazilian, Legs, Toes, Underarms and Nipple Hair

Full Body Female Sugaring: Brazilian, Legs, Toes, Underarms and Nipple Hair

NEW ONLINE STORE! Mix & match sugars, get bulk discounts & more! We can now support (code) wholesale customers online (or offline, depending on your preference). If you are a professional buying in bulk, please contact us so we can be sure to meet your unique needs. - Live chat support (send message if we are offline and we will respond ASAP) - Phone support (leave a message and we will call back) Sugaring is an excellent method for removing unwanted body hair. In this video, Grace demonstrates nearly the full body sugaring. Sugaring is similar to wax but is not hot and can be applied and removed by hand. To learn more about Grace's unique sugar products, visit .

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