Guillermo del Toro & Ron Perlman Talk 'Hellboy 3'

Guillermo del Toro & Ron Perlman Talk 'Hellboy 3'

- Click to Subscribe! - Become a Fan! - Follow Us!Director Guillermo del Toro and Ron Perlman may have been in San Diego at Comic-Con to hype their giant robots vs aliens movie Pacific Rim, but there was another film they were discussing that is getting a lot of attention and its name is Hellboy 3.Hellboy fans have long wanted to see their favorite red demon on the big screen and it's looking like that just may happen. Director Guillermo del Toro and star Ron Perlman who has played Hellboy in two films were asked about the possibility of a third movie. Speculation of a possible third film ignited when Perlman spent several hours in the make-up chair recently to once again become the comic book hero. It turned out he had donned the make-up as part of a Make A Wish foundation request from a young fan who wanted to meet his favorite on-screen hero. This act of kindness has become a catalyst for a possible third film. Del Toro told Entertainment Weekly that they are in fact working toward making a third film saying, "I can say publicly that now we are together in trying [to do Hellboy 3]".Though a third Hellboy is looking like it may in fact happen, no studio is attached and creator Mike Mignola has not been approached, so it's still in the early stages of development, but at least it's moving forward, right? What would you like to see happen in the third film? Let us know in the comments and be sure to follow us on Twitter to stay in the know on the latest movie news. I'm Dana Ward and we'll see you next time.

Теги: guillermo, del, toro, amp, ron, perlman
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