Historical player age distribution in EVE Online (2003-2014)

Historical player age distribution in EVE Online 2003-2014

Info about EVE Online and a free 14 Day Trial - This is EVE trailer: Age is derived from the user-provided date of birth upon registration. The frames are composed of snapshots of active subscribers at each day, spanning every other day between June 2003 and December 2014. You'll notice that two histograms are shown in each frame. The primary one showing the age of players at the date in question and the secondary(faded) one showing the age at which they joined eve online respectively using account creation date as the target. This gives an interesting extra insight into the maturing of our playerbase.Each frame was individually rendered out using the ggplot2 and Cairo packages in R. Lubridate, data.table, sqldf, and RODBC were essential in the data processing part. To stitch the frames together into a video I initially used ffmpeg but decided to get the help of one of our video producers CCP ArnarV to get this to proper production level quality, adding info and the essential EVE ambient music.I appologize for the tiny text making it only properly readable in 1080p, I hope most of you have access to 1080p devices. In case you don't, the vertical lines show quantiles at 5%, 25%, 50%(Median), Mean, 75%, and 95%, and the X axis limits are set to (0,85).

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