How To Share a Private Video On YouTube
How To Share a Private Video On YouTube
Want to share your YouTube video with someone privately and not make it available for the world to see. Derral shows you how to share a private YouTube video with anyone you want.Subscribe To My Channel and Get More Great Tips Share this Video: YouTube Channel Evaluations Be the Next Lucky Subscriber to get an In-depth Channel Evaluation:1. Must be subscribed to My YouTube Channel 2. Must be uploading good quality content frequently to your YouTube Channel and really trying hard to make it 3. Must be engaged in my channel by liking, commenting, posting, sharing and encouraging others to subscribe to my channel.SCHEDULEMonday: Facebook Training Google+ Training Thursdays:YouTube Training Monthly:Advanced YouTube Training Hangouts YouTube Channel Evaluations Other Great ResourcesYouTube UnderGround Google Community Ask me A Question Follow me