Intern-Turned-Porn-Star Veronica Vain on Wall Street Bros, Butt Plugs, and Her First Porno

Intern-Turned-Porn-Star Veronica Vain on Wall Street Bros, Butt Plugs, and Her First Porno

It's been a breakneck 2015 for Veronica Vain, the former Wall Street intern who left her gig at an asset management firm to pursue a career in porn. While her first film (Screwing Wall Street) hasn't been released, Vain's story has generated more buzz than a nuclear powered vibrator. In January, a series of half-naked selfies, which were staged in the artfully tiled bathrooms at Lazard, made the rounds online. Likely as the result of a snitching co-worker, Vain was confronted by her "boss's boss" about the shots, but her career move was already in motion. And, according to Vain, those selfies were a deliberate, calculated pillar of her forthcoming marketing strategy. In sum, don't underestimate Veronica Vain. We'll all be working for her some day.Vain stopped by Complex recently to discuss her story, butt plugs, and Derek Jeter. Naturally. Check out the video posted above.Subscribe to Complex for More: Check out more of Complex here: Entertaining videos that bring to life Complex Media's authoritative take on trendsetting music, sneakers, style, pop culture, video games, tech, cars, and art—featuring your favorite celebrities from the past, present, and future. COMPLEX is a community of creators and curators, armed with the Internet, and committed to surfacing and sharing the voices and conversations—both multi-culture and multicultural—that define our new America. We make culture pop.

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