Legends of Azeroth - Oldschool WoW PvP Videos

Legends of Azeroth - Oldschool WoW PvP Videos

Legends of Azeroth 2 Improve your arena skills: Like me on Facebook: SUBSCRIBE for more EPIC videos! :)________________________________________­____- WHY I PUT MYSELF IN THE VIDEO -I understand people who think it's stupid. I facepalm when I look at the video myself lol. BUT! The original idea was to feature players with legendary weapons (Hence why it says sulfuras paladin, shadowmourne warrior, dragonwrath boomkin ETC) and just make an extreme damage montage. I was a little bit sad after i had to delete my legendary staff pvp movie (with a good amount of views gaining over 1500 per day) for copyrighted music so I got the idea to make a montage featuring players with legendary weapons so that I could use my old footage again. Eventually I thought it would be better the way it is right now though (Letting people who didn't have legendaries be in the video and just make it an ""oldschool"" pvp montage). I had already made the intro for my own character and having a boomkin in the video gave it some variety, so I decided to keep that part. This was also my first video ever uploaded to this channel and I knew that it would get a lot of attention so I thought it would be a good way to advertise myself and letting people know I exist. I both love and hate this video. It's my most viewed video, but it's also here that many of my haters are born :P________________________________________­____VIDEO INFORMATION:Hey! Legends of Azeroth is a movie i made for nostalgia purposes. I've taken out the best clips from SOME of the (In my own personal opinion)best WoW pvp videos of all time and made one big movie out of it. Some of the clips in this movie were recorded during vanilla will therefore be in very low quality. Youtube didnt allow high quality uploads back then. People werent very good at editing either, so I color corrected them and added effects etc to make them look more awesome!People you will see in this movie:Klinda - Warrior Zom - paladinVurtne - MageSwifty - WarriorThyraz - BoomkinBebep - MageBeavis - ShamanPat - Warrior________________________________________­____MUSIC:The first two songs were made by Jacobus. His facebook: The songs are Deadday and Undrawn, they can be found here : ________________________________________­____Song Title: TrustArtist Name: NeroArgentoStore Link: Permissions granted by FiXT.________________________________________­____ Song Title: Shotgun Senorita (Zardonic Remix)Artist Name: Blue StahliStore Link Permissions granted by FiXT.________________________________________­____Song Title: Blue Stahli - ULTRAnumb - metal revision by paul udarovArtist Name: Blue Stahli / Paul UdarovStore Link Permissions granted by FiXT.________________________________________­____Erik Ekholm - Dark Energy

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