Malli Malli Idi Rani Roju Full Movie 1080 HD -- Sarwanand and Nithya Menen

Malli Malli Idi Rani Roju Full Movie 1080 HD -- Sarwanand and Nithya Menen

Synopsis:Raja Ram (Sarwanand), a college going athlete lives with his mother who teaches classical music to fend for the house. The mother has a dream to see her son make his mark in athletics at national level. Nazira (Nithya Menen), a burkha-clad girl in the college to whom Raja Ram has lost his heart, conceals her identity and starts learning music from Rajaram's mother. As things are shaping for the better, Rajaram and Nazira get separated. After many years, Mehak (Tejaswi Madivada) challenges her mom Nazira to test her true love. How they break the misconceptions and do they get back together forms the rest of the story.Starring: Sarwanand, Nithya Menen, Tejaswi Madivada, Punarnavi Bhoopalam, Nasser, Pavitra Lokesh, Surya, SanaDirected : Kranthi Madhav Produced : Vallabha Alexander Music : Gopi Sundar. Presented by: K.S.Rama Rao

Теги: malli, idi, rani, roju, full, movie
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