Nerd³ Plays... London 2012: The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games

Nerd³ Plays... London 2012: The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games

Vlog Channel! My Twitter! My Webcomic! After seconds of training I launch myself into my Olympic career with a buggy, broken game and end up laughing and swearing at it a lot.It might work fine with a controller but the controller was only "recommended" so to me that means you don't need it. Besides, how many hours would it take to add proper little symbols for the keyboard and lock the mouse to the screen? Maybe then I wouldn't have been so hard on this game.Actually, I would. It's just a collection of weak mini games with no substance tying it together. No career mode, no training, just play 15 variations on "Hit buttons fast, but not too fast". I played this game on the SEGA Mega Drive back in 1998 and it hasn't changed in anything apart from graphics (which are very nice).Here's an idea for the 2016 Olympics game. Base it on the Olympic dream. Start with a 16 year old from whatever country you pick and gradually build up from school sports days to the Olympics. As you go you gain money which allows you to get better equipment and travel to bigger races. You have to make the way you do races hard so people actually do need to practice. Throw in some training regimes, some mini-games about helping kids or something and then finally make it to the Olympics. If you have 15 events then that's 15 different games in one! Plus you could then take your Olympic character online which has proper, full on tournaments and maybe you could run the first Virtual Olympics during the Olympics and give out actual prizes. Hell, if you have the rights you could televise the finals of these events and really make people buy the game!Oh and just throw in the final stage events for boring people to button mash or whatever. :p See? I fixed the Olympics video game. Now you have four years to make it work. Get on it SEGA.Game Link: All Music is in game music. It makes me want to spend $14.5 Billion on a two week sports day during another bout of moneygeddon.

Теги: nerd, plays, london, the, official, video
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