Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire FFAs #050 Feat. NumbNexus, GameboyLuke, & CuddleofDeath

Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire FFAs #050 Feat. NumbNexus, GameboyLuke, & CuddleofDeath

Make sure you drop a LIKE if you're HYPED for more #ORAS FFAs! :DWHAT'S GOOD YOUTUBE?! Watup. Today we're continuing our new Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Free-For-All series! These FFAs will be recorded in "sessions" and uploaded in separate parts. So our opponents will be rotated out every few episodes, but the FFAs will still be just as intense! Make sure you check out everyone involved and SMASH that LIKE button if you enjoyed! Thanks for checking out the video! :D -NappyEnjoying our Pokémon ORAS FFAs? Check out more episodes HERE! :D - FOLLOW me on Twitter! - HIT ME UP on Facebook! - FOLLOW me on Twitch! Check out our 2nd channel for non-Pokemon LPs + more! ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-----Check out Kristen's Channel & Twitter! Check out Luke's Channel & Twitter! Check out Nexus Channel & Twitter!

Теги: pokmon, omega, ruby, amp, alpha, sapphire
Рейтинг: 0 620 просмотров
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