"SAUNA" by Mount Eerie (official video)

"SAUNA" by Mount Eerie official video

Official music video for the song "SAUNA" by Mount EerieSYNOPSIS:First Part (0:00 - 2:10)- Exposition. The location and purpose of the sauna is described and shown, in this case the massive industrial saunas located near Anacortes, out past beyond the fields, inside the birches. Their industrial-scale steam stacks and sweat rooms are shown from a distance, as well as their enormous ice-plunge pools and bare lightbulb chill out zones. Second Part (2:10 - 3:25)- Transition. Other Selves appear as superimposed singers. After a period of time in the sauna your mind starts to transform and become one with all million possible realities. Your mind (played by Allyson Foster) is freestyle squaredancing alone in an abandoned garage, free from preconceptions, stretching the meaning of cultural signifiers such as “sauna” or “cowboy”. Third Part (3:25 - 5:22)- Climax. Who are you? Other Selves (Allyson Foster and Ashley Eriksson) are fully vivid, singing in pure tones, shredding on fiddle, enjoying gum, masterfully lassoing, bopping to an unheard rhythm. The hay bales are wet and rotting, a symbol of the old body you have just shed. There is carpet in the garage now. She has a black eye. Total annihilation. The words “wild west” finally have meaning, the national identity of Finland and a weather beaten blue tarp. A new world is here. Everything is constantly blooming.Idea and directing by Allyson FosterOther idea and other directing and editing by Phil ElverumCamera borrowed from Industrious Industries (Anacortes)Lights borrowed from Ashley and Eli (Whidbey)Wet hay bales borrowed from the neighbors.Garage lent by the Sturgeon family.Costumes by Value Village and Flip Elvrum.Refineries by Tesoro Oil Corp.There was no craft services.The rain was totally crazy.Music performed by Phil Elverum, Geneviève Castrée, Allyson Foster, and Ashley ErikssonThis is an abbreviated video version of the song. The full song is 10 minutes long.from the album Sauna"ELV036" in early 2015 fromP.W. Elverum & Sunbox 1561Anacortes, Wash.U.S.A. 98221pwelverumandsun.com

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