Should you watch: To Love-Ru Series?

Should you watch: To Love-Ru Series?

Welcome to the 14th episode of 'Should you watch?'! Today we're taking a (rather lengthy) look at the To Love-Ru series and if you're wondering why my shameless clickbait thumbnail features Momo and Yui over the others, that is because they are undoubtedly the best girls and if you disagree with me we're going to have to take our shirts off and wrestle like straight men for the sake of our boners. Also, this episode is sponsored by boners.Should you watch?: Facebook: New Steam group! Left 4 Dildos: Kyoukai no Kanata review: jambo jet: ♫♪♫~Motteke! Sailor Fuku Bak Bak Bakoon! MixPinch Daisuki by Hajime Hyakkoku (K-ON! OST)Dispossession (strings version) by Keiichi Okabe (Nier OST)Foul Play ni Kurari (ファールプレーにくらり) by Kanon Wakeshima ( )I don't own anything in the video except my voice and that one scene where I'm pretending to spank my bacon. This video is fair use by way of criticism and comment and is in compliance with both YouTube's terms of service and community guidelines.

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