Top 10: Best Movies of 2011

Top 10: Best Movies of 2011

This is a Top 10 Movies of 2011 list.I do not own any of the footage in the trailers, no copyright was intended.All Credit for the trailers goes to ClevverMovies, clevverTV, Trailers, MoviesYahoocom.Here are the links to the full videos:10. Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol: trailers, 9.Hugo: trailers, 8. The Descendants: ClevverMovies, 7.The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: ClevverMovies, Super 8: ClevverMovies, Moneyball: MoviesYahoocom, 4. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy: Trailers, 3. X men: First class: ClevverMovies, 2. Rise of the Planet of the Apes: ClevverMovies, 1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2: clevverTV,

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