Top 10 Movies of the 1990s

Top 10 Movies of the 1990s

This decade saw Hollywood turn to independent studios, Disney make a comeback and CGI advancements make a big imprint. Welcome to, and today, in this installment of our series on the greatest movies of all time, we're counting down our picks for the top 10 movies of the 1990s.Special thanks to our users Jared Schumann, Mikey Webb, Micheal JCaboose, jwiking62, ibriers 1, Jerome Magajes and krokar94 for submitting the idea on our Suggest Page at!Check out the voting page here, If you want to suggest an idea for a WatchMojo video, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at :)Check us out at and We have T-Shirts! Be sure to check out for more info.

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