Watch Justin Bieber Meet Two Inspiring (and Adorable) Super Fans

Watch Justin Bieber Meet Two Inspiring and Adorable Super Fans

Check out the newest season of Strictly Ballet featuring up-and-coming dancers in Miami: Justin Bieber super fans Emma, 12, and Ilia, 16, get to meet their idol for the first time through the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Watch their inspiring story.Visit Make-A-Wish at Still haven't subscribed to Teen Vogue on YouTube? ►► CONNECT WITH TEEN VOGUEWeb: Twitter: Facebook: Google+: Instagram: Pinterest: Tumblr: The Scene: Want even more? Subscribe to The Scene: ABOUT TEEN VOGUEFashion, beauty tips, celebrity style, pop culture, videos, and more-everything you need to be ahead of the trends. Fashion starts here.Watch Justin Bieber Meet Two Inspiring (and Adorable) Super FansFeaturing: Justin Bieber

Теги: watch, justin, bieber, meet, two, inspiring
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